Webseries by Sprouthaven

A collection of stories from Bells Harbor, a seaside town where the streets are adorned with flowers and sunshine. As autumn comes, the community begins to report a concerning amount of supernatural sightings, which the rest of the world brushes off as a bored little town trying to stir up entertainment for themselves. After all, this place used to be quite popular for tourists, but has recently grown isolated due to certain unsolved incidents. Join the community as they uncover the town's secrets, including a muddled history of a winged god, strange yet friendly monsters blending in with society, and a mysterious lab in the mountains.

"You're something special, full moon, you'll have no doubt
Just let the astral music root you out"


Who are you?
My name is Shilo! I am a 19 year old artist from Canada who loves everything cozy and cryptic. My pronouns are primarily they/them, but you may refer to me as anything.
What inspired GSGA?
The storyline is inspired by lots of my favorite pieces of media. Mostly Gravity Falls, Night in the Woods, Welcome to Night Vale, SCP and Moominvalley.
I grew up with the Gsga characters so many of them are inspired by different parts of my own childhood :)
What do you use to animate?
I use a Gaomon PD1161 tablet and Photoshop to draw. After I draw the frames, I edit them in Adobe Premiere.
Can I use your art?
Personal use for icons is okay, but please do not claim any of my art or ocs as your own, or use it without permission.


She/Her - 19 - Born Dec. 3rd
Lead Ghost Agency Investigator


Kirra is the lead investigator for the Garden Street Ghost Agency, the one who negotiates all the prices and details of each investigation, and the one who runs into haunted locations headfirst to taunt the spirits with profanities. Kirra feels at home in the theater, as she is a talented actress with a love for all things spooky and otherworldly.

  • Height: 5'7

  • Favorite food: Century egg

  • Abilities: Acting and stage combat. Kirra is very agile.

  • Kirra's biological parents are Japanese, her original surname was Fukumoto before being adopted by the Vermillion family.

  • Kirra has albinism.

  • During high school, Kirra enjoyed skateboarding.

Kirra's life has been a blur. The doctors say she experienced severe brain trauma before her 12th birthday, falling into a coma for a whole week before waking up with no recollection of her early childhood. Kirra remembers waking up to puzzled doctors trying to piece together what exactly caused a healthy child to suddenly go unconscious without a significant cause. Regardless, Kirra tried to not dwell on this, if forgetting allowed her to live an ordinary life, so be it.Kirra was a little girl who ate spiders and adored everything strange. So much that she would wander into any place that looks haunted and her dads would run inside to find her, worried sick. Her first year of high school was especially unpleasant, especially in a town that labeled her as a problem child who could not behave to save her life. While poor grades and missing assignments piled up in her closet, Kirra wrote elaborate articles on horror movies and ghost stories. It was in the world of the supernatural that Kirra found a sense of excitement and intrigue, far removed from the mundane reality of high school.In grade 9, Kirra joined the theater club alongside Jesse, Tango, Atlas and Yuna. The five of them became inseparable until Atlas and Yuna moved away. Upon graduating themselves, Kirra, Jesse and Tango decided to have a fresh start in the town of Bells Harbor, after hearing its exciting stories of hauntings and monsters, they wanted to set up a paranormal investigation agency in the hotspot of it all: Garden Street. Kirra felt a stinging need to go there, somewhere deep in her subconscious was yanking her by the collar to go to Bells Harbor as soon as possible.

♡ Likes✘ Dislikes
Tabletop rpgsConfinement
Ghost hunting showsDriving


He/Him - 20 - Born July 2nd
Ghost Agency Technician


Tango, the technician for the Garden Street Ghost Agency, prefers to help out from the sidelines. Instead of venturing inside the haunted locations, he stays in the van, monitoring cameras and providing equipment when necessary. His reserved nature is due to a turbulent childhood, but he is fiercely protective of his friends, even if he does not verbally voice his affections.

  • Height: 5'10

  • Favorite food: Orange chiffon cake

  • Abilities: Mathematics and tech. Tango is proficient with firearms.

  • Tango's love language is baking.

Tango spent a majority of his childhood fending off a father with explosive anger issues, leading to Tango himself getting into street fights and coming to school with visible bruises and tattered clothes. He had a moody personality, talking back to authority figures and kicking over desks in plain sight because he felt like it. Despite his rebellious tendencies, he possessed an exceptional talent in math.Tango's decision to join the theater club took everyone by surprise. At first, the other members were concerned if Tango could even act at all, nobody had heard him speak much to people outside of class, and he looked like he was one bad day away from punching someone. Jesse, a member of the popular crowd, was especially uneasy around him. Kirra and Atlas however, were more than welcoming to the new addition, and soon Tango found himself with a group of lifelong friends. He became the head of tech and set design. He even surprised everyone with his exceptional performance as JD in their production of Heathers, where he was so convincing that everyone became terrified for his mental wellbeing after he sang Freeze Your Brain with the passion of ten suns. Tango proceeded to make JD his entire personality for the rest of the school year, continuing to wear the old trench coat from the play even after graduation.One day, Tango was dragged halfway across the country to the most haunted town in the continent because Jesse and Kirra suddenly decided that hunting ghosts sounded profitable. Nowadays, Tango is the coffee addicted technician of the Ghost Agency, still having not fixed his horrendous sleep schedule.

♡ Likes✘ Dislikes
CoffeeSocial gatherings
BakingAuthority figures


He/Him - 19 - Born June 20th
Ghost Agency Investigator


Jesse is an investigator for the Garden Street Ghost Agency. He is horrified by the paranormal, as he sobs to the cheesiest horror movies and always sprints up the stairs at night to escape the chills down his spine. Jesse does his best to be very respectful of the spirits they visit, in case Kirra’s taunting gets both of them brutally murdered. Jesse is selfless and nurturing, always putting others first, even at his own expense.

  • Height: 6'1

  • Favorite food: Spam musubi

  • Abilities: Swimming and cooking. Jesse is the strongest member of the ghost agency.

Jesse Huckleberry belonged to a cozy home with his mother, his grandmother, and two old german shepherds. After his father’s passing, they were left with little money, so Jesse took on part time jobs in the summer and grew vegetables in their backyard to help support his family. In his spare time, Jesse enjoyed sports, joining the high school swim team before his curiosity lead him to the theater club.As Jesse became more involved in the theater community, he began to notice that some of his friends were struggling with their home lives and didn't have the same level of support and love that he was fortunate to have. So, he took it upon himself to be a caring figure for his group of friends, offering them a safe space to go if they needed it. Jesse and his mother even opened up their spare bedroom to make sure that their friends always had a place to stay if they needed it. Jesse's made sure to prepare warm lunch boxes for his friends every morning.When Jesse arrived in Garden Street, he was excited to explore the town's rich history of art and theater. However, he soon found himself caught up in the affairs of some peculiar individuals who didn't quite look human. Despite this, Jesse brushed it off, assuming that the town was simply full of passionate cosplayers. He figured that the elaborate disguises were part of the local culture, given that the town once worshiped the Bardic God. He knows he's right, because he made sure to scour every single travelers pamphlet he could find before arriving!

♡ Likes✘ Dislikes
Old western moviesFighting
Making cute lunchboxesHorror
DogsJunk food


He/They - 18 - Born Aug. 16th
Ghost Agency Emotional Support


Morel is a test subject who found his way to Bells Harbor after escaping a lab. Morel is soft spoken and gentle, preferring to stay silent most of the time, and feels most at peace around plants. They have the ability to spawn plants depending on their emotional state. Conflicted with the possibility of hurting their friends or being abandoned if they show their true self, they've done their best to hide their powers.

  • Height: 5'5

  • Favorite food: Ham

  • Abilities: Chlorokinesis

  • Morel is sensitive to heat and cold. He has no spice tolerance and gets brain freezes very easily.

One fateful day, a careless scientist at Bells Laboratory accidentally spilled chemical waste all over Dr. Elias' prized collection of exotic mushrooms. What initially seemed like a devastating disaster became even more bizarre when all 10 pots of mushrooms sprouted into humanoid children. The oldest and most developed of the mushroom children was named Morel by Dr. Elias, and he spent his entire life within the walls of the laboratory alongside thousands of other mutants and anomalous entities. The doctors who oversaw Morel's care told him that the laboratory was the entirety of the world and that he was lucky to be docile and humanoid, as it meant that he was allowed to leave his room and visit the greenhouse. He had the ability to spawn plants based on his current feelings, as strong displays of emotion often resulted in colorful blossoms sprouting on his head. This ability, while sometimes involuntary, was harmless to the doctors at the facility.Despite his confinement, Morel tried to be content with his life. He knew nothing of the outside world, as the doctors had intentionally kept him in the dark for his own safety. To Morel, his little room and the laboratory were all he had ever known, and he had grown used to his daily life.One day, a stressful experiment caused Morel's powers to go haywire. Suddenly, an array of thorny vines and poisonous plants flooded the laboratory, as the once docile mutant went on a rampage, freeing himself and the other test subjects held captive within the facility. The laboratory staff frantically attempted to contain Morel, but it was too late. The other mutants had already broken free from their cells, and chaos reigned as the creatures roamed free throughout the building. In the end, the test subjects succeeded in their escape, pouring out of the laboratory and disappearing into the world beyond. Morel, however, was found and taken in by a kind boy named Tango.

GardeningMedicinal smells
SprinklersSpicy food
Big sweatersTight spaces
HamCooked mushrooms


She/Her - ??? - Born June 5th
"Protector Goddess of Little Creatures"
Ghost Agency Receptionist


Clover is the new receptionist at the Garden Street Ghost Agency after presenting her resume of 98 college degrees. Clover is bubbly and enjoys cute things and social media. She eases her immortality induced boredom by keeping up with all of humanity's trends and new developments, finding it fascinating how quickly things change at the blink of an eye. Deep down, she longs for simpler times, but she knows she can never get that back.

  • Height: 5'2

  • Favorite food: Clam miso soup

  • Abilities: Clover focused all her magic into the shapeshifting aspect, allowing her to transform into large beasts like El. However, this is very physically straining, and she has to rest for multiple days after one use.

  • Historical papers and popular media often portray Clover as very buff and tall. Clover is flattered by this portrayal.

Clover and Milo (Later known as Feather) lived in a small village, nestled in the rolling hills of the countryside. Their father had been called upon to fight in a war against neighboring kingdoms, leaving the siblings to fend for themselves. Milo, the older of the two, took it upon himself to provide for their family, doing odd jobs and taking on dangerous work to keep them fed and sheltered. While Milo tried to shield Clover from the harsh realities of their situation, she was painfully aware of the struggles they faced despite her young age. She longed to help her brother, to do her part in lightening his burden, but was shut down every time. She knew that at some point, her brother too would be called to war, leaving her alone.After being sacrificed to an unknown entity that her kingdom feared, she was brought back. Suddenly, she was considered royalty, her brother now having strong magic and worshiped as if he were a god. He said he'll make it right for them. Clover was treated well by her new subjects, though unlike her brother, she never saw them as servants, but as dear friends. Despite it all, Clover would never stop longing for her simple life in the grassy countryside, wondering if their life wouldn't have gotten so messy if she was strong enough to fight back.At some point, Clover made the same deal with El for a share of his magic.After the disappearance of the Bardic God, more stories emerged of a giant spectral otter, jumping through the skies and causing lightning to strike earth as her fur rubs against the clouds. She'd engage in decade long battles, protecting Bells Harbor from other greedy gods wanting a piece of their prosperity, and came out victorious every time. She was the Harbor’s pillar, a symbol of ultimate strength. These stories are often told to young children to teach perseverance and courage. Clover, now a proud member of human society, loves reading all the picture books and manga based off of her old adventures.

SeafoodShowing weakness
Small animalsDamage to nature
PopularityFire and smoke
Social media 


He/Him - ??? - Born ???
The Bellflower Shrine Caretaker


The mysterious caretaker of the Bellflower shrine. Though the Bardic God is no longer widely worshiped, the shrine has never been in better shape. El tends to adapt to different personalities depending on who he's talking to, but enjoys teasing and observing strange mortals who approach him for companionship. Little does the town know, the peaceful caretaker holds a dark secret. An insatiable hunger and heartache haunts his existence, a cost for his otherworldly magic.

  • Height: 5'8

  • Favorite food: You

  • Abilities: Wild magic at the cost of consuming mortal souls.

  • El's true form is a three headed creature with a long, winding feathered body. Aside from his humanoid form, his other preferred form is a small black Pomeranian. Every form spews fire.

El's existence is the result of a malfunction in the universe. Nobody knows what he is, only that he brings misfortune in various shapes and sizes wherever he goes, and there's little others can do to stop him. El can do anything, raise the dead, spew fire, transform into any form, and even open gates to other worlds at a snap of his fingers. He can sing silly songs and dance like a clown. With his wild magic, El has never been bound by the rules of reality, so he simply does whatever is most entertaining for him at the moment.El wandered through the world, never staying in one place for too long, always searching for something to amuse him. He has seen countless civilizations rise and fall, but nothing truly excites him anymore. His existence feels like an endless cycle of boredom, and he often wonders if there's something more out there. Despite his destructive tendencies, El tries to do what's best.A certain drawback of these abilities is the need to consume mortals, as they provide the most energy needed for El to power his magic. To revive Clover and grant Feather immortality, El proceeded to consume a kingdom of corrupt royals before being able to defy death. Since his diet consists primarily of meat, El cannot digest foods high in spices, sugar, or gluten. Chocolate especially makes his stomach hurt. Clover likes to keep a list of what El can or cannot digest, and one day took El to get a 'puppuccino' from the local cafe, which to her delight, he quite enjoyed. He also enjoys pumpkin puree and small amounts of shredded cheese. El's magic grows stronger in the spring, peaking in Autumn, before El grows cold and weak in the Winter. He often says that his home is in the stars, but he cannot return there anymore.El see Feather and Clover as found family. Despite being much older than Feather, El sees him as an older sibling here to guide him and bring him entertainment.

Slasher horror moviesBoredom
MarigoldsHuman technology
Pumpkin pureeAttachments


He/They - ??? - Born May 14th
"The Bardic God"


A weary man who recently woke up from a multi-century long coma. He was once worshiped and admired as the Bardic God, but an incident caused him to let down his guard and fall asleep. Feather is used to doing things for his own benefit, reduced to apathy and dissociation to cope with the weight of his past, power hungry self. He enjoys everything to do with fine art, having established grand theaters in his past that are still standing to this day.

  • Height: 5'6

  • Favorite food: Dandelion salad

  • Abilities: Feather is a jack of all trades when it comes to El's magic. He can do a little of everything, heal, shapeshift, and magical projectiles. Feather uses musical instruments to cast magic.

  • Feather's preferred weapons are bows, guitars and any firearm. He prefers long range.

  • Feather has sailing experience but he prefers to stay away from the ocean. He cannot swim.

One day, a vengeful peasant boy dabbling in dark magic makes a deal with an otherworldly entity named El. In return for Clover's life and a fraction of El's powers, Feather agrees to serve El for all eternity. At some point, El began calling him Feather for his soft wings, and Feather was too busy fighting El's battles to protest.The stories of Feather, the Bardic God, have been passed down through generations in the town of Bells Harbor. Tales of a golden angel who traveled the world, fighting evil and healing those in need by strumming his instruments and singing soothing melodies. As the tales go, after freeing the world from many malevolent beings, Feather also built a home for himself and his followers. Thus, Bells Harbor was born, a kingdom known for its art, sunny skies, and bountiful seas full of ships. Feather eventually established theaters all over Bells Harbor and gathered creative individuals to prosper by his side.Despite the many stories told about Feather, nobody knows for certain what he looked like or where he went. His recorded history has always been a blurry one, with some believing he took on the form of a gentle angel while others argued that he was cold and almost tyrannical. However, no matter how grand his stories seemed, each one always ended with Feather being put to a deep sleep, the cause varying with every source. His followers never saw him again. As time passed, Feather's followers dwindled, and his influence faded away. But even in modern times, his legacy remains. Some still leave offerings by his shrine for good health, hoping that his spirit may bring them blessings. Yet, like most folktales, there's no concrete proof that Feather even existed in the first place.Upon waking up, Feather is a shell of the man he used to be, a walking corpse who cannot die, with everything that used to bring him joy filling his chest with a numbness he can't describe.

Leafy green veggiesMeat
String instrumentsPowerlessness


He/Him - ??? - Born Feb. 20th
The Blood God


Sunny is the polite owner of the Sunflower Therapy Clinic. He spends his time doing community service and growing strawberries by his home. As the Blood God, Sunny represents life, love, familial bonds, and healing. However, he also craves adrenaline rushes to feel alive, often doing dangerous things to achieve it. Sunny is sentimental, romanticizing little things and longing for the arms of someone dear to him.

  • Height: 6'3

  • Favorite food: Vodka pasta and strawberries

  • Abilities: ???

  • Sunny can speak most languages.

  • Sunny's presence in new areas can cause the moon to turn red. Full blood moons amplify his magic.

Sunny had his own kingdom once, but it didn't work out. History says the Blood God is to be feared and taken down at all costs, lest he rises to power again.The blood god traveled to faraway lands, determined to find meaning in his endless existence by assisting outcasts and monsters. In human occupied areas he wore a hat and long coat to conceal his horns and tail. In the woods, he held group therapy sessions and parties with monsters. But certain past experiences had taught him not to get too attached to anyone or anything, leading him to frequently disappear from places without saying goodbye. He tried to forget someone from his past, often drowning his sorrows in alcohol until he blacked out or seeking comfort in the arms of strangers, only to vanish without a trace afterwards. He deeply longs for a person he had lost, even after all these years.Now living in Bells Harbor, Sunny sets up a therapy clinic near garden street and tries to live a peaceful life. He grows strawberries and tells stories to children near the Bellflower shrine. He likes to collect red tinted glasses of various shapes and go drinking with friends, Gumi, Hana, Athen and Sho, until the group disbanded after Hana's passing.

Red glassesBoredom
CleaningReality tv
CookingBreaking his glasses
Alcoholic drinksBad manners


He/Him - 21 - Born Jan. 9th
Bells Harbor University Student


Atlas is a medical student at Bells Harbor University, working hard at the cost of his health and social life, Atlas is the top of his school. Despite his articulate and obedient nature, Atlas secretly longs to be wild and free like the rest of his childhood friends. Atlas has been told he acts like an old man despite being a 19 year old boy.

  • Height: 5'11

  • Favorite food: Dessert tofu

  • Abilities: A human encyclopedia and calculator.

  • Can recite every shakespeare play by memory.

  • Atlas is ambidextrous but also has carpal tunnel in both hands.

  • Atlas knows a concerning amount of ways to dissect the human body but only because was interested in the science aspect of it. He is probably on a watchlist somewhere.

Growing up with big expectations placed on his back after moving overseas, Atlas has always put much pride in his work. He ignored the growing pain in his wrist and back, pushing through his discomfort in order to meet his goals. His anxieties were also neglected, buried under a mountain of work. He had something to prove, he thought, and if he was at the top, people would love him for who he is. As he entered high school, he quickly became head of the student council and president of several clubs.Despite his success, Atlas couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that he was missing out on something. As he took over the theater club, he found himself with a new group of eccentric friends who seemed to live life with carefree abandon. They’d go out on adventures after school and get sodas by the park. While doing paperwork in the office he’d often have Kirra as company, as she was a regular detention attendee. Though Atlas found them amusing, he was a grade ahead of his friends, so after he graduated, they drifted apart.Now living alone in Bells Harbor, Atlas pursues medical science, a field picked out for him by his oh so loving parents. He cooks simple meals by himself and helps his neighbor Aster with his hopeless love life. As an adult, Atlas works harder than ever before to ignore the nagging thoughts of running away at the back of his mind. One day, Atlas coughs up something colorful into his sink.

Fantasy novelsInactivity
Small shiny stonesBreaking rules
Tragic plays 


He/They/She/It - 22 - Born Nov. 13th
Ruler of Rats


Winnie is the ruler of all ratkind. They are the giant rat who makes all of the rules. Online forums advise against investigating the strange case of Winnie Wozwald, as every nosy reporter leaves with their hair and mental wellbeing stolen. Winnie will stop at nothing to pull a silly goofy funny on unsuspecting people.

  • Height: 6'2

  • Favorite food: Porcelain lamps

  • Abilities: When excited, Winnie has a 70% chance of bursting into flame.

  • Winnie can communicate with rats, sometimes telepathically if they are under a hat over their head.

One day a strange person appeared on Garden Street leading a marching band of rats down the street. Nobody knows what this creature is, what they're doing here, nor do they want to ask. After a few news reports of this strange monster sighting, Winnie disappeared into the sewers. Some say if you visit the right sewer, he'll trade magical items to you for any household object she can eat. Winnie says books, lamps and wigs taste the best to her. On weekends, the local therapist comes by to feed Winnie fresh strawberries. Winnie says only the therapist is free from the consumption of their luscious locks, everyone else is fair game.Nobody knows about the origins of Winnie. Anyone who asks is met with an array of giggles and Winnie immediately sets themselves on fire. Some say Winnie is an experiment gone terribly wrong back in Bells Laboratory. When they attempted to surgically fuse a human with two magical races to see what would happen, it led to the creation of a magically unstable creature with a tendency to spontaneously burst into flame. All personnel involved with that project have since gone missing without a trace. Some also say that Winnie was the result of two wizards who had a very magical night and accidentally exploded each other, blessing themselves with a child in the process. The child was soon taken away by the authorities, never to be seen again. There is also a rumor that Winnie is simply a friendly shadow from the woods who strayed too far to society, and became scarred beyond repair.Regardless, Winnie does not appreciate those who pry into her private life. They are a very busy businessman with lots of rats to take care of, so she insists that people do not bother her outside of working hours.

Obscure fever dream moviesNon rats
:)Unscheduled interviews


She/Her - 27 - Born Mar. 12
Cottage Cafe Manager


The owner of the Cottage Cafe. Gumi is quite reserved and somber, though she upkeeps the same pleasant demeanor for customer service, she has an air of melancholy to her at all times. Some customers even say they witnessed Gumi chasing out thieves and troublemakers with her own broom. She tries to make her cafe a welcoming place to all, just as her old friend Hana wished.

  • Height: 5'5

  • Favorite food: Peach cobbler

  • Abilities: Makes the best coffee and pastries in Bells Harbor. Some say her food even has healing capabilities.

  • Gumi's preferred weapon is a large old broomstick, which even the most entitled of customers are terrified of.

One day, a timid girl is taken in by an outgoing and loving new classmate. Gumi and Hana became inseparable, their dreams became intertwined, and nothing felt better than when they were together.Gumi was once the barista of a blooming café business she started with Hana, her best friend and first love. On the one day Gumi couldn't walk Hana home, she was tragically killed by a drunk driver, and the café has never felt the same. A year later, the Cottage Cafe is still in business and more popular than ever, with Gumi at the forefront as it's manager. Despite her success, Gumi has entirely withdrawn from the outside world, still crippled with grief and longing for her childhood. To cope with these feelings, she spent her savings on alcohol and cigarettes, refusing to open up to those who still care for her. The cafe has become a place that haunts her, feeling trapped within the walls she used to decorate with her most cherished memories. After pushing away everybody, Gumi truly finds herself alone at rock bottom, sinking further and further.As autumn came, Gumi ended up taking in a group of scrappy new ghost hunters who have recently lost their friend. Taking a deep breath, Gumi steps up for her new neighbors, honoring Hana's wish to make their cafe a home for all those who are lost and in need of care, just as she and Gumi found eachother. The Cottage Cafe is the heart of Garden Street, the preferred gathering place for ghosts and sad young adults alike who are here for the best coffee in town and a cozy place to be at peace.

CocktailsRude customers
PlantsChasing out rude customers
Thrift storesStudent debt
CoffeeCatching up with trends


She/Her - 12 - Born Sept. 9th
Runaway Child


Miri is an optimistic and rambunctious girl who dreams of solving crime. Due to being experimented on with robotic parts, Miri prefers to cover her face out of embarrassment for her scars and markings. Since she can jump from great heights and be perfectly fine, Miri enjoys doing parkour in absurdly high areas, as always manages to land on her feet. Miri wants to be a detective in the future and put all of her mechanical wonders to good use!

  • Height: 4'1

  • Favorite food: Mushroom soup

  • Abilities: Super strength and speed.

  • Built in binoculars, umbrella and magnifying glass.

  • Miri can pop out springs from her feet and hands, allowing her to bounce.

A child experiment once kept in Bells Laboratory as she had abilities that were deemed valuable, such as enhanced agility and speed akin to a cat. With proper training, she could easily be turned into a useful asset for the laboratory. To enhance her capabilities, Miri was equipped with various robotic parts and trinkets, mostly in her limbs and head. She was not treated as a danger like most other anomalies, but given decent living quarters and proper care, even if she was barred from interacting with other children. Through the cracks of her wall she was able to communicate slightly with other supernatural children in neighboring rooms. The laboratory personnel were quite strict and overprotective with her, in case she used her enhanced abilities against them and ran away.One day, the doors to her quarters were torn open by thorns and Miri saw the lights of the big city. She ran and ran until she bumped into a man with big wings.

Superhero CartoonsReading
Rubber ducksBeing Scolded
Jumping on high placesHeadaches
Sugar CookiesWater


He/They - 20 - Born Apr. 20th
Cottage Cafe Barista
Bells Harbor University Student


Ame is a young culinary student attending Bells Harbor University. He works day and night to support his aging mother, who has fallen ill and living on the little funds their father left them after he passed. Ame is sweet and supportive, always finding reasons to smile. He fears student loans more than death, and has been tempted more than once to use his chemistry knowledge to make mischievous substances.

  • Height: 5'5

  • Favorite food: Berry sorbet

  • Abilities: Cooking and chemistry

  • Ame's knowledge of popular culture is unparalleled.

  • Knows the best places to thrift at. He swears that the Wolly Grotto, a local clothing shop, is haunted by a poltergeist.

Ame has always been a frail boy, ending up shorter than most of his peers due to being sickly and malnourished as a child. Most of his family's money went towards his medical bills, as he found himself on death's door many times, only to be saved by nothing less of a miracle. After his father passed away, Ame worked multiple jobs to support himself and his mother.Growing up in Bells Harbor, Ame is perceptive to the amount of supernatural stories floating around, especially as someone who knows a lot of places. He, for one, thinks it would be quite nice to befriend a zombie or a ghost. Ame thinks a spirit that's been stuck one earth for so long must have eons of life experience, so he sometimes found himself praying inside empty rooms for helpful spirits who could murder his old abusive bosses. Little did Ame know, the spirits were very much listening to his pleas, they were just terrified.
Now Ame is a hardworking student at Bells Harbor University, sharing a study group with Atlas while working part time at the Cottage Cafe. Gumi, his new boss, forbids him from taking on more hours than he's physically capable of, as she's seen how often he's collapsed from overworking himself. She says if he doesn't take proper care of himself, she will feed him to the giant rat in the sewer, or worse, seduce his mother. His friends tell him to treat himself more, as his room is completely empty besides some cheap boyband posters and a crudely taped together mug. On weekends Ame finds himself pining hopelessly for a silly ginger haired boy named Aster, who owns Citrus Blooms, the nearby flower shop. Ame wishes deeply that he'd be able to talk to Aster every time they pass by each other on the way home from work, but Ame is sure that Aster will find someone much better to be with.

ButtercupsOver spending
Bootleg mobile gamesHis entire immune system failing for the 50th time
Indie folk musicSpicy food
Pirating movies 


He/Him - 20 - Born Nov. 24th
Citrus Blooms Florist


Aster is a florist who wears his heart on his sleeve. He owns the Citrus Blooms Flower Shop, and lives with his older brother near the woods. Aster plays the guitar and has a decent number of fans online who enjoy his songwriting, most of which are inspired by the feeling of late autumn and unrequited love. Outside of work, Aster is quite silly and enjoys dancing in the streets to feel free.

  • Height: 5'8

  • Favorite food: Tomato soup with grilled cheese.

  • Abilities: Playing the guitar and identifying plants.

Aster grew up in a small house by the woods with his mother and older brother. They lived in the apartment above their mother Athen's Bar, where Aster grew orange flowers to decorate the building, as he thought it matched his mother's bright red hair. When his mother gifted him a new guitar, playing it soothed his troubles and worries, especially during high school when he experienced gender dysphoria, and eventually transitioned into a boy.
Now that Aster's older, he runs a florist shop in Garden Street. Business is quite good for all florists, as flowers are an essential part of the town's culture and history. The beloved Bardic God favored these plants and often used golden blooms in his magic or performances. The town was decorated top to bottom with wildflowers each summer, and in the autumn for the Marigold March, a celebration for the day the Bardic God freed Bells Harbor from an evil kingdom many years ago. Aster is always busiest when festivals roll around.
When Aster isn't working, he's writing songs. His biggest dream is to own a big band and earn enough money to take him on performances across the world, just like the Bardic God once did. He'd hop on a boat and live a life of freedom and adventure. However, every night, he passes by a lovely Cafe Barista named Ame on the way home from school. Despite his longing glances, Aster stayed silent, not wanting to hold Ame back from his dreams.

Indie folk musicWriters block
Pasta with tomato sauceSchool
Freestyle dancingBeing called Ed Sheeran
Gods and mythology 


She/Her - 19 - Born May 20th


A bubbly girl who loves arcades, splurging her paychecks on sweets, and mysterious individuals who work in shrines. Yuna was once a costume designer for her high school theater club, before moving away to attend Bells Harbor University. After getting attached to a strange yet friendly worker in the Bellflower Shrine, she is lead into the woods where she meets a bloody demise.

  • Height: 5'4

  • Favorite food: Cherry parfait.

  • Abilities: Gaming and fashion design.

Yuna is a girl from an upper class family who dabbled in the arts. In high school, she joined the theater club alongside Kirra, Jesse, Atlas and Tango and became the head of costumes. Coming out of a strict and poised environment into the chaotic world of theater kids brought her out of her shell, as Yuna began expressing herself more freely without the expectations of her parents.After moving to Bells Harbor, Yuna offered to help her old friends find an apartment they can stay in to set up their new ghost hunting agency. Yuna also offered to pick them up at the airport.That day, Yuna hung out with the mysterious worker at the Bellflower Shrine. Despite El looking malnourished and pale, he was very kind and even offered to pay for their ice cream, before excitedly leading her into the woods hand in hand, and consuming her in an unknown location. When Kirra and the others arrived, Yuna has completely gone missing, and the Bells Laboratory is strangely involved in the incident, trying to cover it up to prevent public panic. As the ghost agency looks further into Yuna's death, they realize that the history of this sunny town was more sinister than they could have ever imagined.

PicnicsAloof crushes
ArcadesStage fright
Romance Manga 


She/They - 19 - Born ???
Fukumoto Household Shadow


A little shadow who lived in the walls of the Fukumoto household after sensing the presence of a troubled and lonely girl. Upon befriending Kirra, the two of them escaped into the woods to find the rest of Kuro's family. Despite being unable to speak, she is very loving and supportive of those who are friendly to her.

  • Height: 5'10

  • Favorite food: Nightmares

  • Abilities: ???

The Twinelings are shadowy creatures who take shelter in broken homes to take care of troubled children. They are often remembered as imaginary friends, as they leave when a child is ready to grow up, so the Twineling can return to the world to be at peace. They often come together in the woods with other monsters to find solace in one another, as they often witness horrible things happen to the children they care for.Kuro began living in the walls of the Fukumoto family, who had recently moved from Japan to grow their business overseas. They had a little daughter who was lonely, despite having many toys and a large room with pink walls, she grew sad upon watching her parents repeat a cycle of working and fighting every day. Her parents were so neglectful that they didn't even notice that their child had psychic abilities. When Kirra saw Kuro, she was not afraid, but instead found solace in a friend who felt just as alone as she was. Kuro was in awe at Kirra's abilities to make her toys hover, which made their tea parties all the more interesting.One day, the neighbors caught sight of the two playing through their window. They put up papers about floating objects and a tall creature whom they must get rid of to protect the beloved Fukumoto family. Kirra and Kuro fled into the woods in search of a place that would love them as they are, eventually coming upon a clearing with other shadowy creatures and a strange therapist in red glasses. Kuro wanted to give Kirra a chance to live a normal life, so she watched her friend go, over the hills and out of the woods to a new life.

Tea potsBeing hunted
ConstellationsFeeling lonely
Full moonsKirra getting hurt
Playing pretend 


She/Her - 26 - Born Apr. 7th


The deceased manager of Cottage Cafe. A beloved social butterfly in the garden street community, always there to help others when they needed it. Hana's wish was to build a loving home to shelter those who feel lost in the world, as she once felt lonely and alienated after moving overseas as a young child. Her best friend is Gumi.

  • Height: 5'6

  • Favorite food: Botchan dango

  • Abilities: Can speedrun your taxes in 2 minutes

Hana moved overseas from Japan when she was very young. When she entered school, she often felt out of place due to her language barrier and insensitive remarks from her classmates. One day, at the park, she met a nice girl named Gumi whom she shared her toys with.In Garden Street, Hana was the helpful manager of the Cottage Cafe. While Gumi made all the menus and food, Hana focused on all the finances and paperwork behind the scenes, where it was most quiet. Though when she needed to, Hana could stand up to any problem, even the rowdy customers that Gumi despised so much. On weekends, they'd go out shopping or hang out with the other Garden Street residents.When Hana passed away, her soul was found by a strange figure in a void of buttercups. The figure warns of hauntings and danger awaiting her dear Gumi back at the Cottage Cafe, but refuses to speak further.

Cheesy romcomsBeing disorganized
Edible flower decorationsAlcohol
Dancing in the rainRude customers

Koi Rosen

She/They/He - ??? - Born ???
The Buttercup Spirit, God of Solitude and Souls


Koi prefers to stay in their own little bubble. An infinite white void that they can do with as they please, but they prefer to simply sit and enjoy the silence, watching departed souls float in and out of existence. Sometimes, Koi would strike up a conversation, but their foreboding personality often leaves the souls too disturbed to move on. Koi greatly dislikes social situations.

  • Height: 5'9

  • Favorite food: Plain silken tofu

  • Abilities: The power to see and greet ghosts. Koi's pocket dimension acts as a bridge for the newly departed, or new souls waiting to return to the world.

The last time the other great entities of the world convinced Koi to leave their void, Koi watched Kung Fu Panda at a garden street movie theater before throwing up and passing out because there were too many people talking at once.Due to an incident in the past, Koi is now confined to their void.


A colorful seaside town in-between mountains and forests, with a little red train that goes right through the middle of town. Folktales suggest that this area used to be home to many powerful entities, such as a winged god who favored bards and artists, and two great beasts who fought by his side. The god was said to have an angelic voice, as his performances could heal the deepest wounds and soothe the most disturbed of souls. However, as the years passed, the Bardic God disappeared without a trace, as did his influence on the world, leaving only the town of Bells Harbor to remember his legacy.In modern day, Bells Harbor has been the subject of many concerned articles, detailing the sudden increase in supernatural occurrences. Missing posters are placed all over town as bereaved families cry out for help, as the local authorities have given up, or are too afraid to even try. A mother claiming that a local medical research facility has kidnapped her sickly daughter to experiment on, brushed away by the world as a crazy old lady looking to stir up trouble. As well, more and more townsfolk with physically impossible characteristics begin living amongst the humans. Some have begun praying to the bardic god once more, hoping one day, he returns to bring Bells Harbor back to it's former fabled prosperity.


An overgrown residential area where most of the series takes place. It's cozy, compact, and said to be incredibly cursed, hence it's low prices. A survey revealed that most of the residents would rather be roommates with a ghost, or die trying, than pay horrendous amounts of rent.

  • Kraken Mart - Grocery store by the sea. It has a great selection of seafood! There's a stall that sells strange slices of purple flesh with opalescent scales (Kirra said she'd love to fry some up and try it when the agency gets their first job done)

  • Cottage Cafe - Run by Gumi Shepherd. It's the heart of Garden Street and a popular meeting place for couples, serving the best coffee all week.

  • Garden Street Ghost Agency - On duty 24/7 for any supernatural jobs! Run by Kirra, Tango, Jesse, Morel and Clover.

  • Bellflower Shrine - a place of worship for the old gods of Bells Harbor, mainly Feather the bardic god. There's three stained glass windows against an old overgrown church. The shrine outside is still being used.

  • Sunflower Therapy Clinic - A little yellow building with a big rainbow sign run by Sunny Hyacinth. Children call him Dr Sunshine.

  • Community Garden - Near the Bellflower shrine. Run by Morel, Tango and El.

  • Bells Harbor University - A pretty competitive university specializing in medicine. Attended by Yuna, Atlas and Ame.

  • Citrus Blooms - Flower shop, run by Aster. Ame is a regular.


The entertainment district. A bright downtown area with neon lights bordering the deep woods. The nearby boardwalk has lots of little shops selling clothes, snacks and trinkets.

  • Rosebud Diner - Run by The Voice. Great food, but terrible upkeeping. The floral wallpaper looks to be hundreds of years old, and sometimes objects would even fall off the shelves. It's said to be the wind, but all the windows are bolted shut.

  • Fireside Bar - A rustic bar that resembles a tavern you'd find in a fantasy movie, run by Athen Wyatt, an outspoken barkeep with a passion for old historical recipes. While pouring drinks, she often dotes on her son Aster for his music.

  • Sparrow Kingdom Theater - A beautiful old theater. One of Feather's later projects before his sleep.

  • Arcade - Near the woods.


  • Bells Laboratory - A medical research facility in the woods.